Virtual tours
Take a tour through the manuscripts and learn more about the authors, scribes, materials, readers and libraries. This page is updated regularly with new tours.
How to say 'yes' and 'no' in medieval Latin
It seems so simple, but do you know how to say 'yes' or 'no' in Latin? This tour explores affirmations and negations in two Mmmonk manuscripts. Tour by guest curator Stefan Vujic.
Mmmonk Highlights
A selection of highlights from the Mmmonk collection.
What did monks read? Part 1: Religious texts
Bibles, Church Fathers, monastic rules, and much more!
What did monks read? Part 2: Non-religious texts
Medicine, law, history, astronomy, geometry... The monks accumulated, studied and preserved a wealth of non-religious texts.
Cheeky and pious scribes
'I'm done, now give me a drink!' A selection of notes by scribes in the Mmmonk manuscripts.
Medieval ownership marks in books
The various types of evidence that a manuscript belonged to the Mmmonk abbeys.
Rule of the Templars
Ten Duinen Abbey owned the oldest copy of the Rule of the Templars.
Aristotle in Flanders
The Greek philosopher was omnipresent in the abbeys.
Aristotle illuminated
How does one illustrate metaphysical concept like 'the soul'? A tour through illuminated Aristotle manuscripts.
Liturgical Mmmonk manuscripts
Leading experts Diane Reilly and Susan Boynton discuss some remarkable liturgical manuscripts in the collection.
How to say 'yes' and 'no' in medieval Latin
It seems so simple, but do you know how to say 'yes' or 'no' in Latin? This tour explores affirmations and negations in two Mmmonk manuscripts. Tour by guest curator Stefan Vujic.
User-friendly free tool: Exhibit
For Mmmonk, we collaborated with Exhibit to create a user-friendly, free, online editing tool to create virtual tours or "guided viewings" for books. We expanded the existing tool to allow for the presentation of complex materials. In contrast to single materials, for instance photos or paintings, books are multiple objects, with many images in the manifests. Up until now, it was not possible to present a specific page in a book. The editing tool was adapted to allow to single out specific pages or locations in the book. We also added the option to include not only images, but also YouTube videos. This is useful in education (e.g. curator's perspective, or practical instructions). The virtual tours can be embedded in html-websites.
Create your own virtual tour!
Create a virtual tour with the Exhibit tool. Share your tour with us via hello[at] and it might appear on our website!