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Tres partes Infortiati [titel fenestra]
Physical location
Bruges Public Library
Call number
Ms. 352
Associated names
Justinianus - ca. 482 - 565 - opdrachtgever
Associated names
Accursius Franciscus - ca. 1185 - 1263 (VIAF: 102317020) - auteur glossen
Date of creation
13de eeuw (1199)
Origin place
Origin place
Manuscript 352, dating back to c. 1300, was owned by Ter Doest Abbey. The manuscript was made in Italy. It contains Infortiatum, the second of three parts of the Digest which was ordered to be made by emperor Justinian I in the sixth century. The Digest is an anthology of the work of Roman jurists; containing juristic writings, legal treatises and opinions. The manuscript also contains glosses by Accursius (c. 1185-1263), an Italian jurist and glossator. The manuscript carries an ownership mark, indicating it was owned by Walterus de Hulsterlo (Folio 105r). The first seven books start with a multi-coloured ornamental initial with decorated borders that run down to the underside of the page. These also have miniatures that illustrate the content of the text. For example, on Folio 82r a military tribunal is pictured at the beginning of the chapter on soldier's testaments or wills. [Summary by Sarah Vanroye]
Uniform title
Corpus iuris civilis: Infortiatum
Uniform title
Glossa ordinaria Accursii
Inc. Infortiatum (f. 3r): 'Solutio matrimonio quemadmodum dos petatur. Dotis causa semper et ubique' (Digesta 24,3,1); expl. (f. 264v): 'hostium potestate erat post liminio non sit reuersus. Expliciunt tres pertes [sic] in forciati' (Digesta 38,17,10)
Inc. Glossa Accursii (f. 3r): 'So. ma. dixit S. de iure doc. per quos constituitur dos'; expl. (f. 264v): 'Si quis intestatus matris uolentis succedere filius qualiter autem naturales succedant cum matre habes inst. ad Tertul. fr. Ac. In suspenso bonorum'
Folio's 1, 2, 265, 266 bevatten fragmenten 'Corpus iuris civilis: Novellae' (ca. 1300): f. 1r-1v: Nov. 134, 86, 106, inc. (f. 1r): 'qui occulte et sine armis', expl. (f. 1v): 'naturam cognoscere et hanc ad'; f. 2r-2v: Nov. 13, 21, inc. (f. 2r): 'et forum proprium et officium', expl. (f. 2v): 'estimauimus oportere expressa lege illud quoque corrigens quod'; f. 265r-265v: Nov. 106, 132, 143, inc. (f. 265r): 'nos deducere quatenus manifesta', expl. (f. 265v): 'aliorum qui facinoris fuerunt par[...]'; f. 266r: Nov. 143, 11, inc. (f. 266r): '[...]ticipes fisci uiribus'; expl. (f. 266r): 'sedis gubernatorem ab hac [i]uce decedere contiger[...]'; f. 266v onleesbaar
Juridische traktaten en handboeken (kerkelijk en bur|Q17123524
Topic general subdivision
Wet, recht, regulering
Perkament (Wikidata Q226697)
268 ff.
38 x 25 cm
Decoration and binding
(Cfr. Mss 344, 345)
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
gedecoreerde initialen|Q63872683
Decoration and binding
gehistorieerde initialen|Q4924460
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
Moderne band
Bibliographic references
De Poorter, A., Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Bruges (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique 2), Gembloux: Duculot, 1934
Bibliographic references
Busine, L. - Ludo Vandamme e.a., Besloten wereld, open boeken: Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuale kunst, Tielt: Lannoo, 2002
Bibliographic references
Isaac, M.T., Les livres manuscrits de l'Abbaye des Dunes d'après le catalogue du XVIIe siècle (Livre - Idées - Société 4), Verviers: Gason, 1984
Bibliographic references
Le Loup, W. e.a., Vlaamse kunst op perkament: handschriften en miniaturen te Brugge van de 12de tot de 16de eeuw, Brugge: Stadsbestuur, 1981
Bibliographic references
van Belleghem, Doenja (ed.), De Duinenhandschriften : over de manuscripten van de cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen in het Grootseminarie Brugge en de Openbare bibliotheek Brugge, Brugge: Openbare Bibliotheek, 2016
Bibliographic references
Online catalogue description by Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Public Library Bruges). Online catalogusbeschrijving door Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)