B_OB_MS534 - Minus volumen Presciani cum Barbarismo et Accentu eiusdem. Item Boetius de disciplina scolarium; et tractatus Petri Helye qui dicitur absoluta [titel fenestra]; Acta apostolorum et Apocalypsis glossati [titel Carolus de Visch]
The metadata in this description derived from the IIIF manifest and can be incomplete.
Minus volumen Presciani cum Barbarismo et Accentu eiusdem. Item Boetius de disciplina scolarium; et tractatus Petri Helye qui dicitur absoluta [titel fenestra]; Acta apostolorum et Apocalypsis glossati [titel Carolus de Visch]
Physical location
Bruges Public Library
Call number
Ms. 534
Associated names
Priscianus Caesariensis - gest. na 530 (VIAF: 76294069) - auteur
Gilbert de la Porrée - ca. 1080 - 1154 (VIAF: 100177951) - auteur glossen
Date of creation
13de eeuw; ff. 1-130: ca. 1250-1275; ff. 131-197: ca. 1210-1220 (1195)
Origin place
Origin place
In manuscript 534 seven works are brought together. The codex consists of two units, each with their own subject and origin. The first unit contains five texts, all on the subject of grammar. It begins (ff. 1r-77r) with the Institutiones Grammaticae, an exposition on Latin grammar by the early sixth-century author Priscian; followed by (ff. 77v-83v) a part of the Ars grammatica by the fourth-century grammatian Aelius Donatus; (ff. 83v-92v) the De accentibus liber, a work on syllables and their accents, often ascribed to Priscian; (ff. 97r-109r) De disciplina scolarium, ascribed to Boethius (d. 524); and (ff. 111r-130v) an unfinished copy of the Absoluta by Petrus Hispanus (mid twelfth-century), a summa on the Institutiones of Priscian. The second unit contains two glossed books of the Bible: the (ff. 131r-189v) Actus apostolorum glosati; and the (ff. 190r-197v) Apocalypsis glosata. Author of the glosses on Revelations is Gilbert de la Porrée, a French theologian and bishop of Poitiers (d. 1154). The first unit dates from the third quarter of the thirteenth century and was possibly written in England, in or near Oxford. The second unit is somewhat older, dating from the second decade of the century. The layout of the texts is not uniform. The first four texts are all written in a single column, with wide margins for notes. The Absoluta has been written in two columns per page, while the two Bible books contain a single column for the original text, surrounded by one or two columns of glosses. Initials have been added in red and blue ink; in the Absoluta only in blue ink. The first initial of the Absoluta has been executed as a gilded historiated initial. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer]
Blanco folio's: 93r-96v, 109v-110v
Folio's 130-197: rug verstevigd met stroken beschreven perkament: Nederlandse en Latijnse fragmenten; zie o.a. strook tussen ff. 188-189: 'de Belloprato'; ff. 191-192: 'Boudelo'
Tussen ff. 167-168 is minstens 1 folio uitgescheurd
Achterste dekblad is afkomstig uit filosofisch traktaat; inc.: '(...) actu et potentia. Materia uero dicit ipsam potentiam'; expl.: 'in ipsa planta distinguere organa'
Topic general subdivision
Topic general subdivision
Taal- en letterkunde
Perkament (Wikidata Q226697)
197 ff. + i
30 x 20 cm
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
gedecoreerde initialen|Q63872683
Decoration and binding
gehistorieerde initialen|Q4924460
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
Postmiddeleeuwse band
Bibliographic references
De Poorter, A., Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Bruges (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique 2), Gembloux: Duculot, 1934
Bibliographic references
Busine, L. - Ludo Vandamme e.a., Besloten wereld, open boeken: Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuale kunst, Tielt: Lannoo, 2002
Bibliographic references
Isaac, M.T., Les livres manuscrits de l'Abbaye des Dunes d'après le catalogue du XVIIe siècle (Livre - Idées - Société 4), Verviers: Gason, 1984
Bibliographic references
Pseudo-Boèce, De disciplina scolarium, ed. Olga Weijers, Leiden: Brill, 1976
Bibliographic references
van Belleghem, Doenja (ed.), De Duinenhandschriften : over de manuscripten van de cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen in het Grootseminarie Brugge en de Openbare bibliotheek Brugge, Brugge: Openbare Bibliotheek, 2016
Bibliographic references
Gibson, Margaret, Priscian, "Institutiones grammaticae": a handlist of manuscripts, Scriptorium 26, 1972, pp. 105-124
Bibliographic references
Online catalogue description by Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Public Library Bruges). Online catalogusbeschrijving door Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)
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