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Sentencie magistri Roberti de Meleduno [titel fenestra]
Physical location
Bruges Public Library
Call number
Ms. 191
Associated names
Robertus de Miliduno - 1100 - 1167 (VIAF: 89401418) - auteur
Date of creation
12de-13de eeuw (1175)
Origin place
Robert of Melun (d. 1167) was an English scholastic theologian and, later in life, bishop of Hereford. Among two works with Quaestiones, he wrote - but did not finish - a work called Sententiae or Summa Theologica. In this work he posed some significant statements regarding the position of princes. According to Robert, Biblical grounds exist for opposing a tyrannic ruler, and if a prince harmed the Church, excommunicating him was a rightful reaction. This position is likely connected to his own experiences: he was a participant in the conflict between Henry II of England and Thomas Becket and showed considerable sympathy for the latter. This manuscript is written in the early thirteenth century (or possibly somewhat earlier). The text is presented in two columns per page. The larger initials are bichrome and decorated in red and blue, while the smaller ones are monochrome; mostly in red, occasionally in blue. Special attention is given to the initial of the first part, which is illuminated and decorated with gold leaf. Within a 'N' a scribe (Robert?) is seated, writing on wax tablets. The broad outer margins are filled with notes and remarks. The first and last leaves carry the cross-shaped stamp of Ten Duinen. Of special interest are the two fly leaves at the front. They are at least two centuries older than the manuscript and once formed part of a collection of homilies written in the tenth century. As more leaves ended up in the bindings of books that formerly belonged to Ter Doest, it can be assumed that it was disbound and reused at the end of the Middle Ages. The pastedown at the back, detached during restauration in 2010, once formed part of a late medieval copy of the Venerable Bede's Expositio in Marci evangelium. The binding is restored with conservation (and partial restoration) of the wooden boards. The spine is renewed and covered with white leather. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer]
Uniform title
Sententiae Roberti de Miliduno
Inc. (f. 1r): 'De modis colligendi summas et docendi. Non nullorum scribendi consuetudo est'; expl. (f. 305r): 'ipsa extrema non esse disiuncta necesse necesse'
De twee voorste schutbladen zijn afkomstig uit een 10de-eeuwse prekenbundel; cf. mss. 13, 42, 61, 65, 75, 78, 193, 347, 349, 404
Achterste dekblad (losgemaakt na restauratie in 2010) is afkomstig uit een laat-middeleeuwse kopie van In Marci evangelium expositio van Beda Venerabilis
Folio's 7, 22bis, 119bis zijn geen volledige vellen
Topic general subdivision
Perkament (Wikidata Q226697)
ii + 305 ff.
36 x 26 cm
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
gedecoreerde initialen|Q63872683
Decoration and binding
gehistorieerde initialen|Q4924460
Decoration and binding
Middeleeuwse band
Bibliographic references
De Poorter, A., Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Bruges (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique 2), Gembloux: Duculot, 1934
Bibliographic references
Busine, L. - Ludo Vandamme e.a., Besloten wereld, open boeken: Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuale kunst, Tielt: Lannoo, 2002
Bibliographic references
Hoste, Anselm. De handschriften van Ter Doest. Steenbrugge: Sint-Pietersabdij, 1993
Bibliographic references
Isaac, M.T., Les livres manuscrits de l'Abbaye des Dunes d'après le catalogue du XVIIe siècle (Livre - Idées - Société 4), Verviers: Gason, 1984
Bibliographic references
Lottin, O., 'Le concept de Liberté chez les maîtres franciscains du XIIIe s.', Lumières d'Assise 5 (1948), pp. 52-65
Bibliographic references
Perkams, M., "Robert von Melun und die Rezeption der Abaelardischen Ethik im 12. Jahrhundert. Nebst einer kritischen Edition von Robert von Melun, Sententiae I, II [o], 164-171 und I, I, 8, 79-84", Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales 75, 2008, 33-76
Bibliographic references
van Belleghem, Doenja (ed.), De Duinenhandschriften : over de manuscripten van de cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen in het Grootseminarie Brugge en de Openbare bibliotheek Brugge, Brugge: Openbare Bibliotheek, 2016
Bibliographic references
Online catalogue description by Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Public Library Bruges). Online catalogusbeschrijving door Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)