B_OB_MS372 - Textus Sententiarum cum diuersis tabulis super iura. Item ordinarius Decretorum. Et casus excommunicationis Decretalis [titel fenestra]
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Find similar manuscripts B_OB_MS372 - Textus Sententiarum cum diuersis tabulis super iura. Item ordinarius Decretorum. Et casus excommunicationis Decretalis [titel fenestra]
From this physical location
Bruges Public Library
From this abbey
Abbey of Ter Doest
With these associated names
Petrus Lombardus - ca 1095 - ca 1160 (VIAF: 51797933) - auteur
Hugo Argentinensis - 1210 - ca 1270 (VIAF: 89550478) - auteur glossen
Nicolaus de Anesiaco - fl ca 1307/1321 (VIAF: 5357740) - auteur
Guilelmus de Sancto Amore - ca 1212 - 1272 (VIAF: 50904931) - auteur (dubium)
Johannes de Deo (Hispanus) - gest ca 1247 (VIAF: 30944977) - auteur
From the same period
14th century
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