The metadata in this description derived from the IIIF manifest and can be incomplete.
Summa theologiae
Physical location
Bruges Public Library
Call number
Ms. 563
Associated names
Thomas de Aquino - 1225 - 1274 (VIAF: 100910150) - auteur
Date of creation
13de-14de eeuw (1275)
Origin place
Origin place
This manuscript contains the 'Secunda secundae partis' of the Summa Theologica of the pre-eminent scholastic theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). In three parts, of which part II is divided into two sub parts (prima secundae and secunda secundae), Aquinas condensed practically all knowledge on theology, science, and philosophy. It has since become one of the major works of medieval Christianity. Part II discusses ethics and morality, with the 'secunda secundae' treating - in 189 questions - the theological virtues, the cardinal virtues, the graces, and the states of life. Apart from the text itself, an index is present at the end of the work. On the basis of physical characteristics, it is assumed that this manuscript has a background similar to mss. 195, 197 and 199. As these volumes correspond to parts I, II.1 ('prima secundae') and III, it is possible that ms. 563 completed the set as the fourth volume. If this is indeed the case, then the manuscript might have been written in northern France or Hainaut. It is however somewhat younger than the others, dating from the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century. The ownership marks present in the other three volumes is missing here, although the cross-shaped stamp of Ten Duinen is found on the first and last leaves. The text is presented in two columns per page, with initials in red and blue ink. Extra attention is given to the first initial, which has been gilded and is elaborately decorated with penwork reaching into the margins. The volume appears to have been severely damaged, with over 80 leaves missing and the gilded initial in poor condition. The manuscript is bound in - again heavily damaged - blindstamped calf over wooden boards. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer]
Uniform title
Summa theologiae
Bevat: Secunda secundae (ff. 1r-226r), inhoudstafel met overzicht Quaestiones en Articuli (ff. 226r-233r)
Fysieke kenmerken van het handschrift plaatsen dit volume in hetzelfde milieu en dezelfde periode als Mss. 195, 197, 199; mogelijkerwijs werd het samen met deze drie volumes gebruikt. Het eigendomskenmerk '... Dunensis in ciuitate Brugensi', dat de andere handschriften typeert, ontbreekt evenwel in dit volume. Het Duinenkruisje is wel aanwezig
Vooraan en achteraan is een bifolio afkomstig uit een liturgisch handschrift gebruikt als dekblad en schutblad
Encyclopedieën en summa's|Q5292
Traktaten theologie
Topic general subdivision
Topic general subdivision
Perkament (Wikidata Q226697)
i + 233 ff. + i
36 x 25 cm
Decoration and binding
(Cfr. Mss. 195, 197, 199)
Decoration and binding
Primitieve duinenfoliëring
Decoration and binding
gedecoreerde initialen|Q63872683
Decoration and binding
Decoration and binding
Middeleeuwse band
Bibliographic references
De Poorter, A., Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Bruges (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique 2), Gembloux: Duculot, 1934
Bibliographic references
Dondaine, H. - Shooner, H. Codices manuscripti operum Thomae de Aquino, (Editores operum sancti Thomae de Aquino 2), Romae ad Sanctae Sabinae: Commissio Leonina, 1967-1982
Bibliographic references
Isaac, M.T., Les livres manuscrits de l'Abbaye des Dunes d'après le catalogue du XVIIe siècle (Livre - Idées - Société 4), Verviers: Gason, 1984
Bibliographic references
van Belleghem, Doenja (ed.), De Duinenhandschriften : over de manuscripten van de cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen in het Grootseminarie Brugge en de Openbare bibliotheek Brugge, Brugge: Openbare Bibliotheek, 2016
Bibliographic references
Online catalogue description by Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Public Library Bruges). Online catalogusbeschrijving door Dr. Evelien Hauwaerts (Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)