Mmmonk Day on Manuscripts and IIIF: Programme and registration
20 December 2022
On 17 February 2023 Mmmonk will host a day on Manuscripts and IIIF at the Royal Library in Brussels.
Update: event fully booked
Registration for this event is now closed.
10-12am Mmmonk Final Report (language morning programme = Dutch)
- Presentation of a selection of Mmmonk manuscripts at the KBR
- Final reporting on Mmmonk, with among others:
- IIIF user survey
- work processes and standards (condition reporting, digitization, meta data enrichment...)
- IIIF innovation and experiment: IIIF catalogue, IIIF annotation demo Liber Floridus
- public outreach and education: Mmmonk School, Video series 'Medieval Manuscripts through Children's Eyes', Mmmonk Learning Scenario, Exhibition 'Mmmonk Inspires', Mmmonk IIIF Workshop
- impact and future avenues
12 - 1.00pm Lunch
1-4.30pm IIIF Friday
- 1.00 - 1.30pm Mathieu Aubry (École des Ponts - ParisTech) Image Collation: Matching illustrations in manuscripts
- 1.30 - 2.00pm Edward Silverton (Mnemoscene) Virtual tours with medieval manuscripts: Exhibit tool for guided viewings
- 2.00 - 2.30pm Xavier Fresquet (Sorbonne Centre for Artificial Intelligence) Illumination Detection in Medieval Manuscripts: Statistical learning strategies on IIIF image corpora for medieval musical iconography
2.30 - 3.00pm Break
- 3.00 - 3.30pm Rob Feenstra and Erik-Jan Dros (Universiteitsbibliotheken Leiden) Manuscripten en IIIF in de Universiteitsbibliotheken Leiden
- 3.30 - 4.00pm Fien Danniau (Ghent Center for Digital Humanities) Gent Gemapt. Een stedelijk presentatieplatform voor collecties, erfgoed en geschiedenis
- 4.00 - 4.30pm Phaedra Claeys (ADVN - Archief voor nationale bewegingen) Van kamerscherm naar beeldscherm. Het digitaal ontsluiten van een houten kamerscherm met IIIF annotaties
Practical information
Attendance is free, but registration is mandatory via the registration button below. You can sign up separately for the morning programme, lunch, and the afternoon programme. -- Update: registration is closed.
The event will take place at the Panorama Room at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels (how to get there).