
Registration open for Mmmonk School 2024
Join us on 22 November, 29 November and 6 December for a new edition of Mmmonk School!

Mmmonk IIIF Workshop op IIIF 2024 Congres in Los Angeles
Onze Mmmonk IIIF Workshop voor eindgebruikers is een unieke gelegenheid voor IT-leken om de voordelen van IIIF te ontdekken. Op het IIIF Congres in LA werd dan ook met veel interesse geluisterd naar onze aanpak om eindgebruikers te overtuigen van IIIF.

Liturgical Mmmonk Manuscripts Workshop
On 17 May 2024 an international group of 25 experts gathered at Bruges Public Library for a hands-on workshop on liturgical manuscripts.

Mmmonk School 2023 recordings now online!
The recordings of the second edition of the Mmmonk School webinars on the medieval book in Flanders are now available on this website and on YouTube.

Mmmonk Manuscripts by Candlelight
We are used to studying manuscripts in artificial light, powered by electricity. But that is not how medieval readers saw their manuscripts!

Mmmonk enthousiast onthaald op IIIF Congres in Napels
Het jaarlijkse internationale IIIF-congres werd dit jaar in juni in Napels georganiseerd. Mmmonk stelde er de demo voor de visualisering van complexe annotaties voor.

Mmmonk School 2023 Programme and registration
Mmmonk School 2023 explores biocodicology, multilingualism and much more! Join us on 17/11, 24/11 and 1/12/23.

Erfgoeddag: Tentoonstelling 'Poten op perkament' en workshop over productie middeleeuwse boeken

Mmmonk celebrated at DH Awards
Mmmonk was voted 1st runner up and 2nd runner up in two categories at the Digital Humanities Awards!

Recordings IIIF Friday 8 online
On 17 February 2023 Mmmonk hosted a conference on manuscripts and IIIF at the Royal Library in Brussels. The recordings of the afternoon programme are now available on YouTube.

Mmmonk nominated for DH Awards 2022! Your vote counts!

Mmmonk School recordings now online!
In November and December 2022 Mmmonk and the Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies organised a webinar series with basic introductions on various aspects of the medieval book. The recordings of these sessions are now available on this website and on YouTube.