Commentum egidii de roma super libros de anima et libros phisicorum, et diuersa scripta diuersorum doctorum super parua naturalia [fenestratitel]
Physical location
Bruges Public Library
Associated names
Aegidius Romanus - ca. 1243 - 1316 (VIAF: 100187638) - auteur
Associated names
Thomas de Aquino - 1225 - 1274 (VIAF: 100910150) - auteur
Associated names
Petrus Aureoli - ca. 1280 - 1322 (VIAF: 5087740) - auteur (dubium)
Associated names
Jacobus de Duaco - 13de eeuw (VIAF: 51440060) - auteur
Associated names
Adam de Buckfeld - 13de eeuw - auteur
Associated names
Petrus de Arvernia - gest. 1304 (VIAF: 17579824) - auteur
Associated names
'Iste liber est Petri filii Iohannis de Ardenburgh'
Date of creation
13de-14de eeuw (1275)
Origin place
Manuscript 513 is a collection of commentaries on Aristotelian texts, by a variety of thirteenth-century philosophers. The codex starts with (ff. 1r-75r) the Sententia fratris Egidii super librum de anima, a commentary by the Augustinian philosopher Aegidius Romanus (ca. 1243 - 1316) on Aristotle's De anima (On the Soul). It is followed by (ff. 76r-84v) the Sentencia quarti libri metheororum, a commentary of Jacobus de Duaco on the Meteorologica. In this treatise, Aristotle discussed the weather, but also cosmology and the elements. The next three texts are all works by Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): his sentences on De Sensu et Sensato (ff. 86r-97r and ff. 97r-100v, split here in two separate texts), and (ff. 101r-110v) the Liber de causis. The two parts of De sensu discuss the human senses, while in the De causis Aquinas explains how plurality could come forth from one single cause. The latter text was originally attributed to Aristotle, but this has since been discredited: it is now believed to have been the work of an Islamic scholar. Aquinas' commentaries are followed by sentences of Peter of Auvergne (d. 1304), a French theologian at the University of Paris, on a number of Aristotelian treatises: De iuventute et senectute, De longitudine et brevitate vitae, and De motu animalium. The Super librum de generatione sententia (ff. 130r-137r) is a commentary by Adam de Buckfield or Adam of Bockenfeld, an English Franciscan who lectured at Oxford. He was especially interested in Aristotle's natural philosophy and relied heavily on Averroes for explaining the former's ideas. In the next commentary, Supra librum de sompno et vigilia (ff. 138r-143r), Aquinas discusses sleep and sleeplessness. The following two treatises were written by the aforementioned Jacobus de Duaco: the Questiones et sententia super librum de longitudine et breuitate vite (ff. 143r-149r) and Sententia Iacobi de Duaco super de sompno et vigilia (ff. 151r-167r). The latter text also discusses sleep and sleeplessness; the former discusses the effect that a balance of the elements have on the longevity of someone's (or something's) existence. The next text is also by Aegidius Romanus and is the longest one (ff. 168r-323r): the Sententia super libro Phisicorum, discussing Aristotle's Ethics. Finally, a small treatise by Albertus Magnus, on the potencies of the soul, Tractatus Alberti de potentiis anime (ff. 323r-324v) has been copied. Following an empty page, the last verso leaf holds a schematic distinction of the soul according to Aristotle's ideas: the soul is divided in three major categories (vegetabilis, sensibilis en rationalis), each of which are further subdivided. This distinction is probably based on the encyclopaedias of Bartholomeus Anglicus, Thomas of Cantimpré and Vincent of Beauvais. Despite the multitude of texts, the codex appears to be a single unit. All texts have been written in two columns per page, in a tiny textualis script. Decoration is present in the shape of penwork initials, paragraph marks and running titles, all alternately in red and blue ink. This decoration is found throughout the manuscript; only the last two texts have been left without. The binding is medieval and consists of full leather over wooden boards. The fenestra has survived and is attached to the back board. The codex was originally owned by the Ter Doest abbey, and found its way into the collection of Ten Duinen. The cross-shaped stamp of the latter abbey is found on the first and final leaves. [Summary by Dr. Mark Vermeer]
Op de binnenzijde van het voorste schutblad titel Carolus de Visch
Folia 75v, 85r, 85v, 129v, 150r, 150v, 167v en 325r zijn leeg
Folio 137v is leeg uitgezonderd twee aantekeningen: 'Memoriale domini Iohannis de Capella pro postillis' en 'Memoriale magistri Nicholai de Bruges pro XXXXII s. par(isiensibus)'
Folio 149v is leeg uitgezonderd de aantekening: 'Iste liber est Petri filii Iohannis de Ardenburgh, si si (sic.) quis invenerit et non redderit ambo(?) eius carebit, emit pro L s. par(isiensibus) III lb. par(isiensibus)' en twee mogelijke pennenproeven: 'Isti liber' en 'Iste liber est Petri filii Iohannis de'
Topic general subdivision
Topic general subdivision
Perkament (Wikidata Q226697)
Decoration and binding
gedecoreerde initialen|Q63872683
Decoration and binding
technische illustraties / schema's / diagrammen|Q857780
gotische textualis
Bibliographic references
De Poorter, A., Catalogue des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Bruges (Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques de Belgique 2), Gembloux: Duculot, 1934
Bibliographic references
Duin, J. J., La doctrine de la providence dans les écrits de Siger de Brabant. Textes et étude. Philosophes médiévaux III (Louvain, Éditions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, 1954)
Bibliographic references
Glorieux, Palémon, La Faculté des arts et ses maîtres au XIIIe siècle, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1971
Bibliographic references
Lanza, L. en M. Toste, 'A Census of Peter of Auvergne's Works', in: C. Flüeler, L. Lanza en M. Toste (red.), Peter of Auvergne: University Master of the 13th Century, Scrinium Friburgense, 26 (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2013) pp. 415-516
Bibliographic references
Laude, P.J., Catalogue méthodique, descriptif et analytique des manuscrits de la bibliothèque publique de Bruges, Brugge: De Tanghe, 1859
Bibliographic references
Lohr, Charles H., "Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries: Authors A-F", Traditio 23 (1967), 313-413
Bibliographic references
Lohr, Charles H., "Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries: Authors Jacobus - Johannes Juff", Traditio 26 (1970), 135-216
Bibliographic references
Lohr, Charles H., 'Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries, Authors: Narcissus - Richardus, Traditio 28 (1972) 281-396
Bibliographic references
Lohr, Charles H., "Medieval Latin Aristotle Commentaries, Authors: Robertus - Wilgelmus", Traditio 29 (1973), 93-197
Bibliographic references
Ortúzar Escudero, María José. "Ordering the Soul. Senses and Psychology in 13th Century Encyclopaedias", In RursuSpicae. La conversation des encyclopédistes, 2020: DOI: 10.4000/rursuspicae.1531
Bibliographic references
Pattin, A., Repertorium commentariorum Medii Aevi in Aristotelem latinorum quae in bibliothecis belgicis asservantur (Ancient and medieval philosophy De Wulf-Mansion Centre Series 1, 1), Leuven: University Press, 1978
Bibliographic references
Online catalogue description by Dr. Mark Vermeer. Online catalogusbeschrijving door Dr. Mark Vermeer.
Cisterciënzerabdij Ter Doest (S.O.Cist.)
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)
Digitization project
Digitization date
Alternative Identifier